Eczema Treatment - Best dermatologist in roorkee - Dr Tanveer Fatima

Eczema Treatment in Roorkee

Eczema, additionally known as dermatitis, affects individuals of all ages, especially newborns and adults. There are two major types:

  • Endogenous (internal): This refers to the most popular type, atopic dermatitis, which is linked to contaminants and immune system performance.
  • Exogenous production (external): This type is brought on by reaction to natural irritants or allergens.

Symptoms of Eczema:

Eczema causes itchy, rough, red, dry, and irritated skin. Sensitive, fluid-leaking blisters are also popular.

Causes of Eczema:

  • While the exact cause of eczema continues in doubt, multiple factors are thought to contribute:
  • Genetics: A family descent from allergies, asthma, or eczema enhances the risk.
  • Immune system: Systemic immune imbalances might be the cause.
  • Skin barrier defects can allow allergens and irritants to enter while additionally enabling moisture to exit.
  • Eczema doesn’t seem to contagious.

Commonly Affected Areas:

The most commonly affected areas are the face, hands, feet, throughout elbows, and backs of knees.

Symptoms usually accelerate due to stimulation that include:

  • Distress as well as external variables
  • Climate Cleaning
  • Fragrances and Makeup
  • Environmental chemicals

Management Strategy

There is no cure for eczema, although treatments can help reduce discomfort while enhancing quality of life. This includes the following:

  1. Understanding and avoiding triggers is the most essential phase of eczema medication.
  2. Moisturizers: Applying fragrance-free moisturizers frequently helps maintain the barrier that keeps your skin healthy.
  3. Medications: Depending on the severity, doctors might suggest medicines for infections, topical steroids for inflammatory conditions, or additional medications.
  4. Light Therapy: Natural direct sunlight or phototherapy with monitored UV light can be beneficial.
  5. Scar Management: Treatments can assist with the scarring and discoloration produced by severe eczema.

Remember, experiencing eczema can be emotionally challenging. If your child or you have eczema, consult a healthcare professional for particular guidance.

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